Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

The Cholesterol Lie Heart Disease Cure Review

The truth has been revealed by Dr. Dwight Lundell in his book The Great Cholesterol Lie. The truth about lowering cholesterol level will not lower your risk of having heart disease, attacks or strokes. Inflammation is the real reason why 850,000 people die every year from heart disease.

Most patients with cardiovascular complications are found to have clogged or hardened blood vessel which is also referred to as atherosclerosis. A lot of people believed that extremely high levels of cholesterol are the root of this dreadful disease and believed to have come from consumption of high fatty foods. There is more truth to be discovered with The Great Cholesterol Lie than this old time belief.

In this book you will learn how treating the wrong cause of the disease has created an epidemic since 1948. In his new book, The Great Cholesterol Lie we learn inflammation is neither complicated nor mysterious. It is your body’s protective response to a germ, bacteria or foreign invader threatening your life that is, until it goes horribly wrong.

With The Great Cholesterol Lie you will learn how the most famous long-term study in heart research and how it led to the most devastating mistake in health care. The essential response your body has to a foreign substance anywhere and how it can turn against you, when it occurs in your arteries. Why lowering your cholesterol intake is not helping lower your risk of heart attack and may actually be doing you more harm. Youll get your prescription for eating out even fast-food restaurants can yield a few heart-healthy options.
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