Selasa, 11 Juli 2017

B-Vitamins Help Promote Healthy Arteries and Heart

B-Vitamins Help Promote Healthy Arteries and Heart
A 2002 study reported, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation reported that a six-month regiment of taking folic acid, vitamin b12, and vitamin b6 can be instrumental in the prevention of recurring blocked arteries in coronary angioplasty patients.The findings,...
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Heartburn Free Foods for the Holidays: How to Enjoy Great Food Without the Heartburn This Holiday Season

Heartburn Free Foods for the Holidays: How to Enjoy Great Food Without the Heartburn This Holiday Season
Ahhh, the holidays... a time of friends, family and for all too many people...Heartburn!If youre one of the 60 million Americans who suffer from acid reflux disease you know how one meal of indulgence can lead to a day or night of misery.The problem is that during the...
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Senin, 10 Juli 2017

Heart Disease and Homocysteine

Heart Disease and Homocysteine
Are you aware that one of the most important indicators of heart disease is homocysteine? -1A naturally occurring amino acid in your body, homocysteine can cause inflammation and damage to your blood vessels when levels become elevated because of a functional deficiency...
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CRP And Your Heart

CRP And Your Heart
Monitoring your CRP level is vitally important because it is one of the best indicators of heart disease. C-Reactive Protein has proven to be one of the best indicators of looming Heart disease.Find out why high cholesterol alone is NOT responsible for heart disease....
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Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

Heart Attack Symptoms, Causes and Treatment: Small Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Heart Attack!

Heart Attack Symptoms, Causes and Treatment: Small Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Heart Attack!
Ask a few well informed people over the age of fifty: What are they afraid of the most? Four out of five would answer: Sudden death due to heart attack. Heart attack is becoming a common cause of death after the age of fifty. Heart attach is preventable to a large extent...
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Heart Attack Warning Signs

Heart Attack Warning Signs
(NC)-Heart disease is a leading cause of death for Canadian men and women.1 Chest pain (a classic symptom of angina or heart attack) occurs when not enough blood is reaching the heart muscles due to the narrowing of the heart's coronary arteries or complete blockage...
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Sabtu, 08 Juli 2017

Lowering Your Risk Of Heart Disease

Lowering Your Risk Of Heart Disease
(NC)-If you have been deemed at risk by your doctor, there are steps you can take to help control risk factors.According to Statistics Canada, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death of Canadians, accounting for over 26% of all deaths.1 Despite this, there...
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